Monday, November 7, 2011


A collage is a special kind of picture. To make a collage, first collect some beautiful or interesting pictures and small things. Look around your house (old magazines, maps or catalogs) or when you go outside (a supermarket flyer, for example). Look inside your desk or in your closet. Think about these things: Do they have special meaning for you?

Here are two more collages:

Zetti collage sheet
Crowabout Collage for Week 71

On November 14th, you will show your collages to your teacher. 拼貼畫算小考分數!Please keep them secret! 拼貼畫要保密!11越21日以前,只有老師可以看喔!

If there is a problem, your teacher will help you make the collage better. On November 21st, you will all sit in small groups and look at other people's collages. The collages will be used for self-introductions (自我介紹). You will ask questions like this. 根據圖片內容可以用英文像以下這樣的問題。

Q: Are you from Kaohsiung?
A: Yes and no. I was born there, but I grew up in Hsinchu. 可以說「是」,也可以說「不是」。我在那裡出生,可是我在新竹長大。Have you been to Kaohsiung? 你去過高雄嗎?


"Zetti collage sheet" belongs to constancet2009's photostream (CC, Flickr)

"Crowabout Collage for Week 71" belongs to PaperScraps' photostream (CC, Flickr)